Phia Michalski

hiiii welcome to my blog. i am phia i am the girl who stays up until 3 am playing dress up, walks around in high heels and lingerie while tidying up, and adores silk just as much as i adore being naked. i consider getting readie a hobbie and if i'm being honest the best way to get readie is sitting on the floor wearing a silk robe in front of a giant mirror. mirrors are my everything, i spend hours looking in mirrors admiring myself and fashion looks. self absorbed? for sure and i like it. my mind is full of fashion so grammar and spelling are not my forte, i like things the way i like things, i place commas where i want and think starting a sentence with a capital letter looks kind of uglie... "uglie" i am not a fan of the lower case letter "y" so i use "ie" instead (sometimes). i am constantly thinking about my next outfit and my twist on the latest fashion trends. ever since i was a little peanut i've been captivated by my clothing visions. i love exploring my creativity and my favorite feeling is knowing i am the best dressed wherever i am. i dress for myself but everyone is always curious about what i am going to be wearing. clothes make me feel so alive.

SUMMARY OF ME: i love fashion, playing dress up, cocktails (especially martinis), pictures, mirrors, lingerie, silk, robes, being naked, drinking water, eating healthy, getting readie, clever lingo, fluffie pens, pinterest, heated blankets, showering, coffee, cayenne pepper, music, real housewives shows, fashion movies, fresh sheets, lint rollers, compliments (both giving and receiving), but most of all i'm obsessed and love myself 

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